The Fountain Newsletter: Mar 7 2019

The Fountain

The newsletter of the First Presbyterian Church of Hartsville.

A Note from Our Director of Music

“Growing through God’s word” is our theme for Lent this year. This theme began with our Christian Education program on Rally Day back in the fall. Our children have been growing through God’s word by learning the books of the Bible in Sunday School and on Wednesdays. Our Youth have been growing through Confirmation Class, Prayer Breakfast, Youth Fellowship, helping at the Soup Kitchen and leading Vespers. Our adults have Bible study, Sunday School, Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Prayer Shawl Group, FPC Book Club, Blood Drive and the Thornwell Mission Trip. Our committees, staff, office volunteers and Pastor’s Aides are always growing and working. In this new year we have been growing through God’s word with Wednesday Night Suppers, Epiphany, Installation of Officers, Baptism of the Lord, a Hymn Festival, Communion, Confirmation Class, Trent Hill Center Sunday and Youth Sunday.

God’s word can help us grow spiritually if we allow it to renew our minds and transform our lives. God still speaks today—to us and through us. God uses us to carry his message. Throughout the Bible we read about God speaking through angels, creation, signs and wonders, dreams and visions. But more personally, God often speaks to people through other people. God has used prophets, apostles, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to speak His words but he also uses people without titles to speak His truth and encouragement to others.

God’s word can transform us into who God intended us to be. It helps us follow the examples of other believers and set examples for others. God’s word works best in our lives when we are in fellowship with other Christians. We need each other.

God’s word is at work in us. When we respond in faith to God’s message to us, He is able to accomplish amazing things in and through our lives. Psalm 119 is clear about the beauty and power of God’s word. Almost every one of its 176 verses has a reference to the word of God and how it tells us what to do, cleanses us, keeps us from sin, gives us life, strengthens us, restores our hope, comforts us, helps us not to go astray, guides us, and brings us joy.

As we begin our journey through Lent, let us continue to grow together and through God’s word by reading the book of Mark as our Confirmation Class has done during their journey. What better way to prepare for Easter than to read the story of Jesus' life, death and resurrection? May we walk, read, study, listen, obey, pray, love and serve together and open ourselves to God.

In Christ,

Ronda McElveen