The Fellowship Committee hosts a wide variety of events. Below is a list of some of these activities.

All ages are invited to relax, rejuvenate and fellowship in the beautiful mountain setting of the Assembly Inn in Montreat, NC 2025 dates TBD.
Our weekend retreat will be full of high energy, enthusiasm and creativity. There will be many opportunities to grow in faith, to have fun with your church family, and to have personal sabbath. Activities include group building, music, small group devotions/discussion, creative activities, youth mission project, a special Sunday worship including Communion, free time, hiking, yoga, shopping in Black Mountain, a visit to a local brewery and more.
Please see the “Details and Online Registration” section below for weekend programming and retreat pricing.
Please register below by clicking on the “Details and Online Registration” button. You can also download the registration form and return to the church office with payment. To make an online payment, scroll below and click on the “Realm” button.
For more information, contact us at 843.332.3622 or adults@firstpreshart.org
A group photo from Montreat.
2024 Theme: toward a more wholehearted faith
“I’ve come to believe that wholehearted faith isn’t just about coming to terms with the heart that beats inside me. Wholeheartedness is about seeing and comprehending my place in a bigger family of faith. It is about risking hurt and confusion for the sake of the thing that so many of us seek: belonging.”
“Is this what I really believe?” There is no doubt that many of us have asked ourselves this question multiple times during our faith journey. Our “this” may be different but finding ourselves faced with tough questions about our faith often brings us to a crossroads. We can step into the uncertainty of the waves or remain on the shore. It is likely we have all chosen both paths at one time or another. However, deep down what we long for is the freedom to be honest. To be our authentic selves; embracing both our belief and our doubt.
At Montreat 2024, we are creating an environment for authentic discussions of our faith journeys. Attendees will spend the weekend in small group settings designed for storytelling, explorations of faith, and reflection. Drawing on “Wholehearted Faith” by Rachel Held Evans, the facilitators will provide small groups with a series of discussion prompts focused on establishing vulnerability-based trust so that authentic expressions of faith may emerge and attendees may be their most honest selves. This weekend will strengthen the FPC community by providing meaningful reflection and deepening relationships allowing us to step together through the waves of uncertainty, toward a more wholehearted faith.
Online Payment
Pay your Montreat registration fee online now through Realm. Click to pay now.
Wednesdays together supper
September 19, 25, October 3, 9, 16, 23 and October 30 (Trunk-or-Treat).
Join your church family for supper at 5:30pm in the Memorial Fellowship Hall every Wednesday during Wednesdays Together.
Meals are $10 (ages 13 and up), $5 (ages 2-12), free for under 2 years old with a $25 family maximum.
Call the church office (843.332.3622) to make your reservations.
Deadline: Each Monday by Noon.
Music & Bible Study
6:00-7:00 pmAdults
Adult Bible Studies
6:00-7:00 pmWednesdays together supper
5:30 pmFellowship Hall
Chancel Choir Rehearsal
7:00 pmSanctuary
Annual Oyster Roast adult social
Fellowship with friends and feast on oysters, fried chicken and cover dishes at our annual oyster roast hosted by Andy and Vicki Eaddy. Childcare is provided at the church.
Men’s Wild Game Night
All men of the church are invited to a gathering at the Fish House (adjacent to Prestwood Country Club) to enjoy wild game, fish, seafood and domestic foods of choice using their own recipes. Don’t miss this lively event. Event Date To Be Determined.
Annual Congregational Christmas Dinner and Play
Join us each December for our Annual Congregational Christmas Dinner in the Memorial Fellowship Hall. The Annual Children’s Christmas Play takes place in the fellowship hall immediately following dinner.
adult lunch bunch
Boxed lunches from local restaurants served in the fellowship hall at 12:30. Meets monthly. Reservations required.
One of our annual receptions is a Baccalaureate Reception after Graduation Sunday Worship in May to honor our church’s high school and college graduates. Others include Church Anniversary Celebrations and Family Receptions at Funerals.
Women’s retreat
Annual out of town weekend retreat. October 27-29, 2023. Island Vista Resort, North Myrtle Beach.
Prayer Shawl
Do you knit/crochet or have you ever wanted to learn? Our church has maintained a "Prayer Shawl Ministry" for a number of years by giving shawls to those in need. These shawls are a tactile reminder of God's love and faithfulness during times of illness and sorrow. Please come and join us. We meet every Thursday at 3:00 p.m. in the Conference Room.
easter morning breakfast and flowering of the cross
Christian Outreach
Through various means of communication, the Outreach Committee strives to keep the church family and local citizens informed of ongoing programs and events at FPC . The group has redesigned a brochure to highlight church activities as well as updated its social media outlets. In addition, personal contacts are made with visitors interested in becoming church members. By participating in functions such as The Taste of Coker, the committee seeks to build relationships with both Coker College and The Governor's School for Science and Mathematics. The Outreach Committee works to represent FPC as a church that welcomes others to join us for worship and fellowship .