The Fountain Newsletter: Oct 25 2018
The Fountain
The newsletter of the First Presbyterian Church of Hartsville.
A Note from Our Pastor
Dear Friends,
We will have a special day this coming Sunday, October 28. It is “Reformation Sunday," a time when we remember our great history from the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century, as well as our continuing service today to Jesus Christ, Savior and Lord. We will sing Martin Luther’s great hymn, “A Mighty Fortress is Our God,” as well as use a part of the Heidelberg Catechism for our affirmation of faith. Our children and youth choirs will also sing. I hope you will be present – and maybe bring a friend to join with us in worship!
We also use this Reformation Sunday to remember those who have gone before us. We will publicly remember the names of those who have passed away in the last twelve months, plus offer special prayers for all those who have lost loved ones. My own family has experienced a time of grief in the loss of Joye’s mother in August. It is a great comfort to us all to know that our cherished memories of loved ones are appreciated and understood by caring friends. We will sing verses from the magnificent hymn, “For All the Saints.” Its stirring words begin,
“For all the saints who from their labors rest, who thee by faith before the world confessed, thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest. Alleluia! Alleluia!”
Those who have gone before us are still great examples of love, faith, courage and sacrifice. They followed Jesus Christ in times of plenty and in want, in times of sorrow and of joy. They become for us role models of how we can and should live out our faith today. As the writer of the letter sermon to the Hebrews says it, “since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses . . . let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.”
“Our spiritual forebearers are still cheering us on from their “cloud” with God on high.”
We will look back with thanksgiving and look forward with hope, and we will continue to serve our LORD together. Hoping to see you Sunday!
Your pastor,
Dr. Dan
Church Calendar & Christian Service
Special Events & Updates
Sun, Oct 28 @ 11 a.m.: Reformation Sunday Morning Worship, Sanctuary
Tue, Oct 30 @ 7 p.m.: All Saints Organ Concert, Sanctuary
Wed, Oct 31: Wednesday’s Together Activities will not meet on this date.
Fri, Nov 2 @ 12p.m.: First Friday Concert Series, Sanctuary
October: Wayne Dodson
November 4: P.J. McGirt
October: Sonja Gibson, Gwen Davis
November: Trey Gibson, Scott Daniel
Oct. 28: Ann Parker Webb
Nov. 4: Maddie Smith
Oct. 28: Ken Hughes
Nov. 4: Ken Hughes
Oct. 28: Lindsay Powell, Kevin Norwood
Nov. 4: Sonja Gibson, Lyne Askins
Oct. 28: Wendy Langjahr, Youth
Nov. 4: Meg Clark, Bobbi Nutt
Week of Oct. 29: Vicki Eaddy, Michelle Hood
Week of Nov. 5: Bob Kearns, Becky Vincent
Oct. 31: Mary Lathan and Jim Steele
Nov. 7: Andy and Vicki Eaddy
Oct. 28: Ginny Munson
Nov. 4: Scottie Hill, Anna Hill
Oct 29: Kathy Zalinski, Mellany Faes
Oct. 30: Kaye Crook
Oct. 31: Barbara Lee, Lou Gardner
Nov. 1: Nancy Money, Ann Gettys
Nov. 2: Betty Shepard
Nov. 5: Jane Wheeler, Emma Zold
Nov. 6: Ginny Hays
Nov. 7: Barbara Lee, Gladys Case
Nov. 8: Rita Daniel, Ann Gettys
Nov. 9: Dona Miller
ECEP Program
Fall is upon us and the children are having a great year. The hurricanes haven’t slowed us down too much! We had a fun Grandparent’s day celebration in the fellowship hall, Ronda McElveen led the children in some special songs and refreshments were served. The children will be trick-or-treating for UNICEF this month. If you see any of the little change boxes around, drop in some change for UNICEF! We are looking forward to our big Halloween Carnival and hayride that will be on campus for Halloween. If any church members are interested in helping the program, you can host a booth, serve snacks, or help with set up or break down of the event. If interested please contact Lindsay Powell or Lauren Hardymon in the school office.
Wednesdays Together Children's Christian Education Classes, Music Rehearsals and Supper will not meet on Oct.31st. Happy Halloween!
Join us for Halloween Treats on Home Avenue sponsored by our Christian Education Committee. Jean Robison and Lynn Hanes will be passing out candy next Wednesday, Oct. 31, from 5-7 PM so be sure to stop by and see them!
Join us for Taco Night at Wednesday’s Together on Nov 7 @ 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
The 2018 Car Rally is a wrap! Congratulations to Team David: Emily Stacy, Don Clark, Jr., Josh Askins, Sara Preston Hall, Kaiti Nutt and David Segars! What a fun evening!
Youth Prayer Breakfast will meet on Wednesday, Oct. 31st. All middle and high school youth are invited at 7 AM in the fellowship hall. Invite a friend!
FPC Music Ministry presents an All Saints Organ Concert next Tuesday, October 30, at 7 PM in the sanctuary. Featured musicians include Blade Boulware, Barbara Dickson, Beverly Hazelwood, Ronda McElveen, Denise Schweizer, and Tim Smoak. The concert is free and the public is invited to attend. Make plans to join us!
First Friday Concert Series presents FPC Chancel Choir in Concert with Tim Smoak, Accompanist Ronda McElveen, Director on November 2, 2018 from 12-12:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. The concert is free; public is invited.
Music Lunch Bunch Tuesday, 11/6 Noon @ Nueva Villa. All are invited!
AS OF TODAY'S DATE, we have received $1,420 for the Thornwell Home for Children Special Offering. Thank you for your generosity and support.
COATS 4 KIDS - Our church is a collection site for the United Way Coats 4 Kids from now until November 16. Boxes are in the narthex for new or gently used coats, hoodies, gloves and hats for children grades K-12. Adult gloves are a particular need. Please help our children stay warm this winter!
THE INQUIRER'S MEETING for the 2019 Mission to Lesvos, Greece Moria Refugee Camp has been rescheduled for next Thursday, November 1, at 6 PM at the presbytery office. Contact Dr. Lisa B. Culpepper with questions or interest:, 843.229.0346.
DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ends Sunday, November 4. Be sure to "fall back" by setting your clock back one hour before going to bed Saturday night, November 3.
THE FELLOWSHIP HALL is a registered voting facility and will be used from Tuesday, November 6, from 7 AM - 7 PM, for General Elections.
OUR CHURCH plans to join St Bartholomew's Episcopal and other local churches to help with flooded homes in Conway Friday, November 9 and Saturday, November 10. We will leave Hartsville each day at 6 AM. Please call the church and sign up for one or both days. We welcome men, women, and high school age youth.
MEN'S PRAYER BREAKFAST meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 8 AM at Shoney's. Join us Tuesday, November 13.
BOOK CLUB will meet on Sunday, November 18, at 3 PM in the Conference Room. We'll discuss Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. Set in a quiet town of NC, it's the story of a rumored "Marsh Girl" who lives in nature, opens herself up to a new life and becomes a murder suspect. Invite a friend and join us for discussion!
OUR NEXT SOUP KITCHEN DATE is Wednesday, November 27. We will need a chef and volunteers to help set up and serve. Please contact us if you can help on this date. Thank you!
Church Family Birthdays
26th - Charley Moore
27th - Meg Norwood
29th - Ken Jones, Kelli Coskrey, Brandi Wheeler
30th - Renee Harrell, Frank Oates, Dara Kelly
1st - Triston Cranford
2nd - Paul Cannerella, Jr.
3rd - Theresa Truett, Gage Horton, Haley Matthews
4th - Francine Bachman
5th - Meg Garges, Todd Rix
6th - Cameron Lowery
7th - Tom Brown
8th - Barbara Lee, Brennen Jones
Please Keep In Prayer
Our troops as they serve our country:
Greg Jones (nephew of Anna Hill), COL Will Zemp (son of Sid Zemp), Melissa Miller (daughter of Ronnie Holden), SSGT Kevin Capazzi (son of Joann and Ted Wurzbacher), CAPT Mary Katey Hays (niece of Bob and Ginny Hays), MSGT Steven Turnbach (son-in-law of Bob and Anne Kearns), SGT Patrick Sullivan (brother of Lindsay Powell), and LTJG Kathryn Mitchell-Tyler (friend of Mellany Faes).
Our church family and friends:
Doris Small, the family of Elizabeth Scarborough Cook (mother of Perribeth McKorell), the family of Kimberly Norris, the family of Dick Howle (nephew of Betty Shepard), the family of Bob Blackwell (brother-in-law of Sidney Horton), Herman Casanova (friend of Nancy Bolden), B.T. Walker (brother-in-law of Jean Robison), Lee Benoy (father of Candace Smith), Don Dunton, the family of Sutton Kinsley (sister of Cameren Kinsley), the family of Penny Van De Water (mother of Rev. Jill Isola), the family of Elliott Brock (grandfather of Rocky Caddell), Greg Zalinski, the family of Mae Brown (mother of Tom Brown), the family of Pam Chapman (mother of Joye Sansbury), the family of John Bethea (uncle of Alan Hubbard), Greg Talbert, the family of Joe Davis, Kaye Smith, Rejeana Faes (mother of Mellany Faes), Jamie Sicard (friend of Brandi and Cal Wheeler), Vanessa Carter (friend of Theresa and Jane Truett), Jeri Arledge Watkins (niece of Bobbie Kelley), Maizie Prestwich (mother of P.J. McGirt), Paula Kaye Thompson (aunt of Shannon Smith), Elza Stout (mother of Gay Blackmon), Clyde Stuckey, Ted Wurzbacher, Diane Keever (sister of Denise Kelly), Don Cuppett (brother of Cathy Cuppett), Michael (nephew of Cathy Cuppett), Sidney Horton, James Menius, Mark Sheffield, our residents at Presbyterian Communities (Jane Dunlap, Phil and Joan Hart, Lee Langston, Mary Jane McDonald, Olive Timberlake, Harold and Libba King - parents of Lisa Fagan, Sara K. Wildeboer, June Allston; Methodist Manor (Pat and Harry Hill); Morningside (Corky Koonts, Frankie Terry - mother of Steve Terry); Thrive at Prince Creek (Ann Dixon); and Lee and Wade Hicks.