Ashley L. Cheek

Ashley is excited to be the pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Hartsville. Ashley is passionate about connectional ministry and believes the church thrives when all of God’s children have a place to belong. It is in the church, Ashley believes, that we discover God’s call and claim on our lives. It is the church that empowers us to deeply love the world, serve the community and proclaim the gospel in real and tangible ways.

Ashley is married to Rev. Nick Cheek and is the mother of three kind and creative children - Lydia, Nicholas and Ada. When Ashley is not at church, you will likely find her out for a run with friends or having dance parties with her family.

Ashley is a graduate of Queens University of Charlotte and Union Presbyterian Seminary (Charlotte Campus), where she received her Master in Divinity and Master in Christian Education. Prior to coming to First Presbyterian Church, Hartsville, Ashley served at First Presbyterian Church, Sumter, and Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church in Severna Park MD.



Leadership, StaffCasey Hancock